Cancer Data

Missouri’s cancer data are available in several formats.

MICA (Missouri Information for Community Assessment) is an interactive system that was developed to make health data accessible at the local level through an easy-to-use format. It allows users to summarize data, calculate rates, and prepare information in a graphic format. Data MICA users can access statistics on various health conditions and associated topics. Users can choose from among the many conditions, generate data tables by year of occurrence, age, gender, race, and county or zip code of residence, and obtain age-adjusted rates. Data MICAs also allow users to create charts and maps. All forms of output are available for download. 

Cancer Incidence MICA Incidence MICA provides data on cancer incidence in Missouri residents and is produced by DHSS’s Bureau of Health Informatics in the Section of Epidemiology for Public Practice. These MICAs provide the user with valuable cancer incidence data for 1996 through 2015 and are intended to be used by the general public, as well as researchers, local public health agencies, and others. 

Cancer Mortality MICA Death MICA provides data on deaths of Missouri residents. These MICAs provide the user with valuable cancer incidence data for 1996 through 2015 and are intended to be used by the general public, as well as researchers, local public health agencies, and others.

MCR County-Specific Data View the top-ten cancer sites for any Missouri county with the help of our interactive map. 

American Cancer Society Cancer Facts & Figures This annual report provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2018, as well as current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival statistics and information on cancer symptoms, risk factors, early detection, and treatment. In 2018, there will be approximately 22,240 new cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed and 14,070 ovarian cancer deaths in the US. Ovarian cancer accounts for just 2.5% of all female cancer cases, but 5% of cancer deaths because of the disease’s low survival. 

United States Cancer Statistics – 1999-2014 Incidence Compiled by the CDC, NCI and NAACCR, this useful site contains official federal statistics from 50 states and the District of Columbia. Graphs/charts include: Top 10 cancers by geographic area, State vs. national comparisons and Selected cancers ranked by state.

NAACCR Fast Stats NAACCR Fast Stats is an interactive tool for quick access to key NAACCR and US cancer statistics for major cancer sites by age, sex, race/ethnicity, registry and data type. Statistics are presented as graphs and tables and can be stratified by: Cancer Site, Race/Sex, Race/Ethnicity, Age at Diagnosis, Sex, Registry and Data Type. 

CINA – Cancer In North America is a publicly available data source which provides access to incidence data on all NAACCR major and minor cancer sites (including pediatric groups) for North America, the United States and Canada, with individual state or province-specific data available.

Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5) Compiled by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the 1998-2002 dataset contained in Vol. IX represents MCR’s first appearance in CI5. Data from 28 NPCR-funded programs, as well as the NPCR aggregate, is now available in Globocan, the internet version of Cancer in Five Continents. IARC now has the Global Cancer Observatory (GCO) available. The former Global data has been incorporated into the GCO’s Cancer Today section. 

National Cancer Database The National Cancer Database (NCDB) is a joint program of the Commission on Cancer (CoC) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) and is a nationwide oncology outcomes database for more than 1,400 CoC-Approved Cancer Programs in the United States and Puerto Rico. 

Community Health Status Indicators The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has provided a website where the public can access and download data and information related to local communities. The Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI) report contains over 200 measures for each of the 3,141 United States counties allowing users to compare similar counties while community profiles can be displayed on maps or downloaded in a brochure format. 

For information about obtaining aggregate data, please contact the MCR. No patient, reporting facility, physician or healthcare provider information will be released without written permission of the same.