Research studies which include Missouri residents can benefit from linkage with the Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center (MCR) database, a population-based database of all reportable tumors diagnosed among Missouri residents. If you are a researcher interested in conducting an epidemiologic study using MCR data for the purpose of determining the incidence and etiology of malignant neoplasms and/or evaluating measures designed to eliminate, alleviate, or reduce the impact of cancer, please contact us for more information and prior to submitting an Institutional Review Board (IRB) request.
About MCR Data
Accessing MCR Data: There are three different levels of data that can be released for cancer surveillance and research purposes.
Level A: Aggregate data
Reports of aggregated data stratified by non-confidential data fields (i.e. case counts by race, sex, stage, age, county, etc.). Many statistics can be obtained quickly at the following websites:
MCR data
- MO Interactive Cancer Map (MCR-InstantAtlas)
- MO Department of Health and Senior Services (MOPHIMS)
- Cancer Incidence (MICA)
Sources that include MCR data in addition to other states’ registries
- U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Tool (USCS)
- Cancer In North America (NAACCR)
- State Cancer Profiles (NCI)
- Cancer Facts & Figures (ACS)
Source with non-Missouri, but similar data:
- SEER limited use datasets (SEER)
If you can’t find what you need, please submit a request form.